Unutzer, Kayne in Seattle Times Op-Ed on Mental Health Integration

In a January 11, 2014 Seattle Times guest editorial, Hartford grantee Dr. Jurgen Unutzer and colleague Wayne Kayne from the Univesity of Washington discuss the opportunities for improving mental health care in America through the Affordable Care Act. They cite the unprecedented opportunities for states to follow Washington's lead, which has been connecting doctors and specialists to integrate mental health care with medical care. To read the op-ed, click here.

In a January 11, 2014 Seattle Times guest editorial, Hartford grantee Dr. Jurgen Unutzer and colleague Wayne Kayne from the Univesity of Washington discuss the opportunities for improving mental health care in America through the Affordable Care Act. They cite the unprecedented opportunities for states to follow Washington's lead, which has been connecting doctors and specialists to integrate mental health care with medical care. To read the op-ed, click here.