Integrating Medical Care and Social Services Can Improve Care Quality for Elders

In a recent article published in AgingToday, the bimonthly newspaper of the American Society on Aging, JAHF President Terry Fulmer and Senior Program Officer Nora OBrien-Suric addressed the need for integrating medical care and social service.

In a recent article published in AgingToday, the bimonthly newspaper of the American Society on Aging, JAHF President Terry Fulmer and Senior Program Officer Nora OBrien-Suric addressed the need for integrating medical care and social service.

The world of healthcare is slowly acknowledging what community-based social service workers have known for decades—health happens at home. Helping to maintain and sustain older adults’ highest possible level of functioning and the best quality of life has been the undertaking of community-based services. Yet, the medical world has little knowledge of the array of services that can and should be provided, which would not only complement medical care, but could help to improve it.

Read more of the article here.