PHI Caring Works Brochure CoverThe nation’s four million home health aides, certified nurse aides, and personal care attendants are a lifeline for many older adults and people with disabilities. Our grantee, PHI, is the nation’s leading authority on the direct-care workforce, and they promote quality direct-care jobs as the foundation for quality care for elders and people with disabilities.

With our new grant, PHI is embarking on a campaign to rapidly scale up their work and double their “mission impact” to transform eldercare and disability services. In partnership with our long-time communications partners at SCP, they have developed what we think is an excellent example of an effective communications tool.

PHI Caring Works Brochure Quality Works pagePHI’s new campaign brochure uses beautiful photography, plain but compelling language, and incorporates the voices of direct-care workers, the people they serve, and other stakeholders to tell their story.

The direct-care workforce is sometimes called “invisible” and doesn't get as much attention as other segments of our health care workforce. We hope this communications tool and PHI’s philanthropic campaign will help create more visibility and lead to the changes we need to better support direct-care workers and the older adults and disabled individuals that receive their care.PHI Caring Works Brochure double pages